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Boxing Day Post

I haven’t posted in a while because I’m on holiday in Brazil. I’m currently at my parents-in-law’s apartment in a place called Barra in Rio de Janeiro. Weather’s been good and I’ve only got sunburn on my right shoulder – my skin type is basically northern European and is not suited to sunshine so minor sunburn is considered a success. The weather is a complete contrast to last Christmas when it was -15 degrees celsius in the UK.

Anyhow, I did have a chance to visit Thomas Lewiner, one of the guys who gave us the dancing dinosaur. I was able to ask him many dumb questions about the discrete Laplace-Beltrami operator. Perhaps, I’ll get round to writing up some stuff about it. It’s about time I got a new paper out!

Anyway, next scheduled post is New Year’s day. Until then, tchau!

PS. If you are waiting for an email reply from me, my apologies. I have nearly 150 messages in my Inbox, so a reply might be delayed while I’m on holiday!

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