Maths Faculty Podcasts...

Back in the summer I, along with a number of other colleagues, recorded some video podcasts for These videos are designed for A-Level students and I gave two lectures: one on induction and one on trigonometric identities. (I was supposed to give a third on the Millenium Prizes but didn’t due to a back injury. The material I created for this will appear elsewhere – stay tuned!). The recorded videos can now be seen on the Maths Faculty website: Here’s induction and here’s trig identities. Look out for the great domino toppling sequence at about 1:56 in the induction video. We did have problems recording as we did not have any tele-prompters and so I was always glancing at my notes rather than looking at the camera. If there is a next time I might just give the lecture without referring to notes. Makes it more natural. Any feedback would be appreciated....