Martin Gardner – free pdf

Cover of College Mathematics Journal

Cover of College Mathematics Journal

I only realized recently that an edition of College Mathematics Journal dedicated to Martin Gardener is freely available for all rather than just subscribers. You can download it here: College Mathematics – Martin Gardner Special Issue.

The issue is, as one might expect, a mixed bag. Of interest is a reprint of Gardener’s original article on Hexaflexagons (these were a childhood favourite for me); in the provocatively titled Martin Gardner’s Mistake Tanya Khovanova discusses the errors in solutions to Tuesday’s child problem (a problem which surfaced at Gathering for Gardner before ricocheting around the internet); Arthur Benjamin has a very simple (I mean that in a good way) article on Squaring, Cubing, and Cube Rooting. There’s also an article by Ian Stewart, who (I suppose it goes without saying) has a new book out.

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