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Tau Day becomes a whole week for me

Tau on TV (Photo C. Houston)

Tau on TV (Photo C. Houston)

What a crazy week that was!

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who has sent comments, suggestions and criticisms via email and YouTube. I was truly surprised by the response. I’ll blog soon about some issues that arose, in particular the Rhind Papyrus and 50 pence pieces! In the meantime some facts and links:

The tau versus pi story was more popular than I expected and I appeared on radio and TV (as you can see above). The Times online article was Top 5 most read during Tau Day and the BBC online article was Most Popular two days in a row in the science and technology section.

The video has had over 60,000 views on YouTube, was #51 most viewed video in Science and Technology for UK and #83 for the week in Science and Tech (globally).

Various articles appeared in English, certainly far too many for me to list. Here’s a selection of foreign language articles:


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